

This is my Best Mario!

pixiv Account is Here!


Encounter with Mario

When I was 3 years old, I visited in my relative's house and met Mario. I enjoyed the mysterious feeling that is different from other games!

In Scools

You can ask me what I was wondering about Mario.When I was in elementary and junior high school, I loved Mario most at this school and was confident to know it best! Everyone in the class at that time was nicknamed “Mario”.

Typoon 19, 21

The story changes, I feel sad when I see the news of the damage by the typhoon the other day. I think it's really terrible for a natural disaster to kill an important person and have their homes washed away.

I am far away from local area and cannot provide direct support, but I donated money to help them even a little.

I hope everyone from all over the world will see Mario and feel happiness and a smile through the Internet! Please spread this post if you like!

Let's Jump up!


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